I am lucky enough to have a Trader Joe’s within 10 minutes of my house and pop in there probably once a week for specific things. Do you have one near you too?
I love TJs because 1 – every single person that works there is friendly and helpful (someone once went to the employee lounge to get an open bottle of sea salt to show me how big the granules were), 2 – the produce is usually really nice and fresh and 3 – flowers flowers flowers. And also: free coffee samples in the morning. What more could I ask for?

This is not a sponsored post and there are no affiliate links in here today. I just genuinely love Trader Joes and love chatting about such things with you over coffee.
SO!! I made a big list of all of my faves from TJs, and I would absolutely love to hear what knocks YOUR socks off there, so be sure to leave a comment if you’re also a Trader Joes fan!
Here we go! My list of

It’s no secret that TJs has great flowers on the cheap. I love the assortment, and the lack of artificially colored flowers oft seen at the regular grocery store. They traumatize me.
The parrot and fringed tulips that show up now and again are gorgeous but I find that they drop their petals very quickly. They are pretty while they last though!

Nothing beats TJs white hydrangeas though!!

I have yet to be disappointed with TJs produce and their prices are pretty good too.

So far my kids are not fans of any other cereal at TJs except for this Cheerios knockoff…..hello $1.99 for a big box!! A good hearty breakfast with sliced banana or blueberries and milk.

Can’t get any easier than an app you throw on a cookie sheet and have piping hot and ready to serve when your guests walk through the door. (The Lemongrass Chicken apps are great too, until you OD on them at every single Christmas party for 3 years straight and then you never want to see another one again. Spanakopita never get tiresome.)

Perfect for heartier dips like spinach artichoke or feta avocado salsa (oh my gosh that one is so good!)

A knock off of the popular Soy-Vay. I marinate pork tenderloin in it for an hour or two before grilling. Goes great with salad and quick Mexican corn risotto (which is creamy and cheesy and a little spicy and is making me hungry just talking about it!).

This is for the Oreo-lovers out there (that includes my husband!) I actually found out about these from a nutritionist at Boston Children’s Hospital, where my boys are treated for their super high cholesterol (an awesome gene passed down from their momma.) Joe-Joes are a “healthier” (not healthy!) alternative to the classic Oreos. A couple of these can satisfy the sweet tooth of your husband or munchkins nicely.

TJs has their own brand of cheeses that are great and also regular brands you would see in grocery stores.
Specific favorites…
TJ’s BLUEBERRY VANILLA GOAT CHEESE – Apparently I’m not alone with my love for this cheese based on comments on Instagram this summer!

SAINT ANDRE TRIPLE CREAM – Insanely delicious. Creamy like brie. Special occasions and middle of the night hunger strikes.

TJs PARMESAN – Good price and very good taste. I’m married to a Scibilia – a good Parm is very important around these parts!

Oh children, these aren’t actually for drinking. They’re for styling photos you silly things! Don’t be sneaking the fancy lemonades. In all seriousness I love these for the holidays. They taste great, and are a pretty, non-alcoholic addition for your bar cart or beverage area when entertaining (PS if you have bay windows, they make great beverage stations!)

If you like nuts and haven’t tried the following you’re going to be sorry you learned about them. Totally addictive!!
SESAME HONEY CASHEWS – I keep in my car for when hunger calls on the road.

ROASTED & SALTED PECANS – A wee bit too salty but great for a homemade trail mix with other unsalted nuts and craisins (and maybe a bit of chocolate).

DARK CHOCOLATE COVERED ALMONDS – For when you need just one little piece of chocolate and want to justify the health factor with the almond

So there you go – all my vices and bad habits in one post (oh wait, I didn’t include wine on this list – we’ll get to that in a future TJs post!)
What are your faves? – I’d love to know.
Are you up to anything fun this weekend? We’ve got football, football and more football and it’s the perfect time of year for it! Wishing you a happy and relaxing weekend friends!