October 21, 2016 /

Friday Finds On Etsy


The other night I went on Etsy to check out a bridal shower gift my niece told me about.

HOURS later, I was still down the rabbit hole, because there are always interesting finds on Etsy (plus Monday night football was on in my house). As much as I love Homegoods, Tarjay and Ikea, I also appreciate unique handmade goods and love supporting artisans and small businesses that make and sell their own products. From time to time I thought I’d share some items that I’ve bought or would give as a gift. I’m not great at sticking with any series here on SYL but heading into the holiday season I thought you might enjoy a few Etsy highlights on occasion.

This is not a perfectly curated list – just a few fun, random, noteworthy finds I thought you might like too. This post contains affiliate links but these are products that I have either purchased or would love to have.


These are what my niece first told me about – such a cute idea for a newlyweds! (I would leave the original label on the back so they know what they’re drinking.)

StudioB Labels

If you search “custom wine labels” on Etsy you’ll find all sorts of designs, some of which would be cute for a bottle of wine to bring to holiday parties.


Keep this idea in the back of your head when you are finishing a kid’s room makeover, or prepping your house for Thanksgiving or Christmas and need just a little nod to the season in a bookcase, on your barcart, leaning agains the mirror in your powder room – downloadable prints are inexpensive and can be printed right away – INSTANT GRATIFICATION!

I got this one for my nephew’s room this summer…..


You can see it there in the background on the very hot move-in day in August! I just printed it on my home computer and stuck it in a frame with a mat.

LOVE this one for a boy’s room too, same verse!-


Last week I bought this print below to change up our foyer for fall- (by the time I get around to “fall” it will be Christmas)

Motivational Thoughts

How about high-res downloadable photographs you can have printed? I upload files and then pick up in the store when they’re ready – the printers at print shops like Staples or your local copy and print store are much higher quality than a home printer and it’s not expensive to have something printed in large format.



I have a rubber stamp for my Christmas cards and would love a generic one that can be used throughout the year. (I’m a big fan of a handwritten note, does anyone else still send them?)



(This one comes in a self-inking version too.)  How cool is this design? Love.

Old fashioned styling for Christmas envelopes.


That’s it for today – but I have a few on my list for next time!

Hope you are headed off into a fun and relaxing weekend. I can’t wait to catch up on everyone’s One Room Challenge progress! Thanks for stopping by friends!