Last night as Hannah and I deep-cleaned her room, it occurred to me how very much like her mother my daughter is. She looks like her dad’s side of the family, but she reminds me of me at age 12….and at age 41.

She’s a great little cleaner when the mood strikes, but in between she’ll be spinning 7 different projects at once in this happy room of hers. At 12 she’s all about arts and crafts. Duct tape bracelets. Doodling. Funky lettering. Nail art.

The desk is for a little kid, but until I find a great thrift store score to replace it, I removed the drawer so Hannah would have some more room for those legs that have been growing and growing as of late and bought an inexpensive stool for Hannah’s craftiness.

The stool was $20 on Amazon and arrived with the legs ready to be assembled.
I thought I would be able to pry off the nailheads and recover it, but alas, those nailheads were not budging.

Plan B: I used upholstery tacks to attach fabric right over the existing cover, trimming the excess.

Then I simply glued grosgrain ribbon over the tacks to hide the raw edge.

Now Hannah has a comfy spot for all her creative pursuits. The absence of the drawer gives her the perfect amount of legroom between the stool and the desk, and the little vanity stool is big enough that two 12 year olds can share it to do their nail art.

I found this blue contact paper at Marshalls – it goes with the walls perfectly! (the wall color is Ben Moore’s Splash 2059-60 if you’re interested.) It’s easy to replace with a fresh piece as needed.

Hannah’s new little vanity stool picks up on the color in her closet, which she just reorganized.

Taking the doors off this space has worked out great – it’s not always nice and tidy like this, but every inch of it is used and even Hannah’s stuffed animals have a spot. Eventually we’ll probably need to utilize the side with the mirror for hanging clothes but right now it’s a great place for all her beauty products (mostly for experimenting with at her age.)
This fun little project has sparked a couple other tweaks in Hannah’s bedroom that I’ll share with you soon!

Stool – Amazon – $20 – no longer available
A similar vanity stool is available at Target for $44.99:

The moral of this story is
Life is messy.
Make yourself a nice comfy seat, chill out and just enjoy it!
I’m linking up to some of my favorite blogs!