Happy new year friends at Shine Your Light!
Thank you all so much for following along over the past year!
This has always been my happy little getaway from real life drama,
but when sorrow struck my family last summer I realized how many wonderful friends
I have made through this blogging gig.
As the Irish saying goes,
“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.”
And I am so grateful for your shelter!
It’s a bright and shiny new year and I’m looking forward to exploring some new home DIYs, artsy-craftsy projects, good food and fun with you!
But first….
here are some of the more popular posts from 2014!
(click the picture or link to see the posts)
….and my take on whether recaning a chair is a do-able DIY.
Last but not least,
my own favorite of 2014…..
the biggest DIY I have ever tackled by myself…..
the best carpentry learning experience I have had….
the project that 8 months later is STILL not 100% finished
and will never be properly “styled”…..
and the one I am most proud of mustering up the courage to try!!
I have LOVED connecting with you here and all around the blogosphere this past year and as I head into my fifth year of blogging, I hope to bring you more creative ideas to make your house more functional and meaningful, and offer some encouragement to try new things along with me.
THANK YOU for being such a wonderful part of this community and shining your beautiful light in my direction, and happy year ahead!!!!