November 21, 2011 /

Gobble Gobble Cupcakes


Happy Thanksgiving week
and welcome to Mangia Mondays,
the weekly blog hop I co-host with the ever-fabulous Kristin of Delightfully Dowling!
Every week we are inspired and amazed at all the goodness you’re all cooking up in your kitchens!

The week of Thanksgiving is, to me, the unofficial end of autumn. After this week we’ll be in the throes of the Christmas season, so before we bid this season adieu, I thought I’d highlight some Mangia Mondays recipes that truly capture the essence of fall, before getting to my Gobble Gobble Cupcakes.

{It’s high time I start featuring some of the great recipes linked up each week, don’t you think?!
Start looking for highlights every week and grab a button if you’ve been featured!}6

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So let’s get to it!
How about a Pumpkin Spice Latte with real pumpkin from Mo’Betta? YUM!

You know what would be delicious with that latte? These Autumn Spice Cookies from 3 Boys And A Dog! I’d love to make these with the kiddos this week!

The rub on this Spice Rubbed Turkey with Cognac Gravy at Cook Donna Cook really caught my eye. Even though I’m not hosting Thanksgiving this year, I’m definitely going to make this for a Sunday dinner this winter!
{Donna says that roasting the bird dark meat up results in a moister and juicier turkey – I have to try that method.}

The rub on this Spice Rubbed Turkey with Cognac Gravy at Cook Donna Cook really caught my eye. Even though I’m not hosting Thanksgiving this year, I’m definitely going to make this for a Sunday dinner this winter!
{Donna says that roasting the bird dark meat up results in a moister and juicier turkey – I have to try that method.}

A couple weeks back Tracey at The Kitchen Is My Playground shared Maple-Mashed Sweet Potatoes with a bruleed topping – ohmygoshthatsoundssogood!!! {Plus I have always wanted one of those little torches to brulee something with! I’m a closet pyromaniac.}

How about rounding out your Thanksgiving meal with homemade Cranberry Sauce? This recipe from Coupon Cookin’ includes mandarin oranges and sounds soooooo good…..and much more appetizing than the gelatinous stuff in the can! How yummy in a post-Thanksgiving turkey sandwich, or served over biscuits as dessert!

Many thanks to these creative bloggers and chefs for these great fall recipes, and to everyone who links up each week to share recipes, kitchen tips and tricks or restaurant reviews. I’m so THANKFUL for the opportunity to get to know and be inspired by you!

Now before you head off, here is a fun little activity to keep the kiddos occupied while you get ready for your Thanksgiving feast!

Last year all the cousins got together and made turkey placecards and turkey cupcakes – from the littlest cousin, all the way up to our oldest nephew who was home from college!

It was so cute to see them all at the table together being silly!

They did such a great job with the turkey placecards for the Thanksgiving table the next day….

and the cupcakes were pretty darn cute too!

So simple to make….

let the kids frost cupackes with chocolate frosting, then add chocolate sprinkles.

The head is a mini Reese’s peanut butter cup, the feathers – Swedish Fish.

The eyes are made with writing gel or frosting, and the “gobble gobble” is a sliced red Swedish Fish.

Fun to make, fun to eat!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit.

Wishing you and your family a 

happy Thanksgiving 

filled with blessings big and small!