Happy Valentines Day my lovely friend!
There is such hype about this day, isn’t there?
But yet I buy into it, because having a special day to celebrate the loves of my life reminds me to make an effort. An effort that many days I fail to do very well because I have a lot on my plate, they’re cranky, I’m tired…and because even though I couldn’t possibly FEEL the love for my husband and kids any more, some days I could stand to SHOW it a bit better.
I got this idea from a link to Mangia Mondays last summer (Chocolate Chocolate and More’s Birthday Cake Milkshakes) and have since done the sprinkle trick a bunch of times. Oh the power of sprinkes to elevate a treat to something special!!
First, start with footed glasses. They just make everything seem fancier.
Rub corn syrup on the rim of the glass with your finger, then roll the glasses in a plate of sprinkles.
(I wish I had some Valentine sprinkles! But any sprinkles will do.)

In a blender mix up a simple shake of ice cream (whatever flavor you’d like) thinned out with milk, (or make a fabulous fruit smoothie!)
And then bestow upon your loves when they are not expecting it.

One of my favorite things about my love, Hannah, is that she is so considerate of others. And she’s a really good hugger.
One of my favorite things about my love, Sean, is that he is affectionate and he loves BIG.
One of my favorite things about my love, Peter, is that he is hardworking and ambitious.
One of my favorite things about my love, Mark, is that his sense of humor is contagious and fills up our home with laughter.
One of my favorite things about my love, Bruschi, is that he is so grateful for any attention he gets. He could take down small children with his joyful tail wagging!