Sometimes, simple is so good.
Here’s an idea.
Next time you’re at the grocery store, look for peppadews. They are sweet little hollowed out peppers I can usually find in the help-yourself olive bar of my local grocery stores. You might also spot them in the pickles-and-jarred peppers aisle.
Then stuff those cute little peppadews with a bit of crumbled blue cheese. (I use a baby spoon that is still in my flatware drawer despite the fact that my baby is going on 11.)

{PS Whole Foods has the best cheese department.}
{PPS If you’re not a blue cheese fan, try goat cheese crumbles, or even herbed cheese like Alouette.}

When your husband comes home from work on a random Tuesday night (oh look, it’s Tuesday!!), or your friend comes buy to pick up her child from your house, have these waiting for him or her. A nice glass of cab wouldn’t hurt either. (What? I know it’s Tuesday – but you care about their heart health, right?!)
Light a couple of candles. Sit down. Eat your fancy appetizers. Have conversation.
Trust me! The little effort it takes to make these cute little guys is so worth it.
Sweet and simple and sassy blue cheese stuffed peppadews, you make Tuesday feel like a Friday. Or even a Saturday. Now that’s something special!