I am really going to start getting a reputation after this post.
I have waxed on about built in beverage centers, setting up a bar in your bay windows, and even went so far as turn an innocent baby changing table into a bar cart. Now I’ve taken our TV armoire and made it into a bar cabinet (again).

This is the armoire that once stored our old tube TV (two houses ago), then very haphazardly became a place to store our liquor (one house ago), and then became a home office (current house). It’s had a lot of life in it’s years.

When I decided to build a wall of bookcases in our living room, I was going to have the armoire moved out of the room, but reconsidered. It is one of the few pieces of furniture that we’ve had for many years that I don’t want to either kick to the curb or paint. It has a pretty diamond pattern on the doors and is a super heavy and well built piece. I always thought this cabinet would make a great bar with a little elbow grease, and so, in the midst of the biggest carpentry project I have ever taken on by myself I thought it would be a super idea to start a whole other project.

Did I mention this bar cabinet is fashioned out of an old ping pong table, a broken outdoor umbrella, left over trim found in the garage, and a bit of shopping the house?

The funny thing that our good friends can attest to is that with three kids ages 15, 13 and 11 playing gazillions of sports, we have ZERO time to entertain. If we are having a glass of wine it is more likely to be at the local tavern where we are having burgers with the kiddos after a baseball or lacrosse game.
‘Tis the season of our life and we are so glad to be in it!
In the meantime, now all our liquor and barware is in one spot if ever the occasion presents itself to actually have friends or family over, and the armoire has form and function in our living room.